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Living with Young Artists aka Organizing Kids' Crafts


This sure is a pretty picture but it's not real life. Kids do not need tons of supplies to make art. I have a fabulous art space stocked with great supplies but when my kids come home, they are overwhelmed by it and all it contains. And they are in their 20's. Sound familiar?

One reason craft kits work so well is that they provide what is needed for a project and not a lot more. Sure, you may have a pipe cleaner or two left but not an Amazon pack of 100 (less the 3 used for a project)! But I digress...

When my children were in elementary school we had this container in a kitchen cupboard stocked with basic supplies; scissors, markers, glue sticks, crayons, etc. (It has since been repurposed to hold batteries so ignore the labels).

That small, simple collection allowed them to get what they needed without digging too much. It was also easy for them to put things away when it was done. Another key factor that made it a success was that it was in the kitchen, where we (the parents) were. They didn't want to be off in their rooms or in the basement doing projects. They wanted to be with us.

There are many options for holding supplies but I would start with what you have on hand. This cardboard drink holder works great and the handle is a 'plus'! A few things to keep in mind are:

  1. Make it easier to put things away than to get out.

  2. Let the container be the boundary for how much to keep. For example, when the markers are overflowing, toss the dried-out ones and keep the fresh ones.

3. Remember to consider the process of art, not just the finished product. Conversation during projects is a learning opportunity and makes great bonding time.

The making is the fun part! Front Porch Art Kits are designed to engage and enrich children. Have fun and let's make art!!



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